NYSSMA® Curriculum Committee presents
Innovative Instruction for Standards-Based Learning
The NYSSMA Curriculum Committee is beginning work on Innovative Instruction for Standards-Based Learning (a revised and updated version of Music: A Resource Guide for Standards-Based Instruction, 2002). This new document will contain instructional ideas that reflect the 2017 New York State Learning Standards for the Arts and will be a searchable, web-based document. In searching for a lesson that addresses specific elements (such as strand, grade level, standard, etc.), a music educator would check the appropriate box(es) on the form, which would produce appropriate lesson(s).
Clearly, for this document to be most valuable, a sufficient quantity and variety of lessons would be needed to allow a number of possibilities to be requested. As we continue developing this exciting project, we invite you to contribute to this innovative venture.
This has been an incredible year in so many ways. It’s clear that teachers all over the state have developed new lessons, discovered fresh resources, and have designed so many original and creative ways to provide motivation and instruction to music students. The Curriculum Committee would love for you to submit your lesson(s) to be included in this compendium using the link found on the Curriculum Committee web page at https://www.nyssma.org/committees/curriculum-committee. What an incredible way for you to share your work as you connect with your colleagues throughout the state!
We are delighted to share with you this opportunity to be part of a valuable, new teacher resource that will enhance standards-based music instruction in New York State. Please contact Fred Weingarten at: nyssmacurrcomm@gmail.com should you require further clarification, or if you have any questions.