2025 NYSSMA® All State Application Instructions
NYSSMA All-State Application are now completed on-line. If you completed online applications last year, then you will use the same login information this year. If you are new to submitting online applications, you will need to contact the NYSSMA Office (see below) to create an account on the platform.
- Each teacher (director of high school performing group ONLY) must enter their own students’ applications.
- Do NOT make DUPLICATE applications for a single adjudication. After an application is completed, you can go back and edit it.
- If a student is doing multiple auditions, after the first application is completed, other applications completed for the same student will automatically populate with the student’s information. This is especially helpful if multiple teachers are recommending a student for multiple All-State ensembles.
- To complete an application, you will need the following information:
- Username: Your NAfME Member ID (DO NOT use leading zeros when entering your ID number). If you are not a NYSSMA/NAfME member, email srauch@nyssma.org for a Username.
- Your All-State Application Password. (You can click “Forgot Password” if necessary.)
- School County, District, Building (if this has changed contact the NYSSMA Office)
- Type of Application
- Jazz Ensemble – Instrumental
- Jazz Ensemble – Vocal
- Strings
- Voice
- Winds and Percussion
- Instrument/Vocal Part
- Festival Number/Site
- Student Information:
- Name
- Home Address
- Personal Email (Do not use school email addresses for students)
- Cell Phone
- Current Grade in School
- Date of Birth
Please note that your student will not be eligible for selection to All-State until:
- The online application form is completed.
- The student is registered for the festival and participates in the adjudication.
- The NYSSMA school participation fee has been paid.
If you need assistance, contact Stuart Rauch srauch@nyssma.org.
516-997-7200 x11 (9am-noon).
Click here for the application site: All State Application
If you are NEW to online applications, email the following information to srauch@nyssma.org:
- Name
- NAfME Member ID
- Personal Email (not school e-mail)
- Cell Phone
- Home Address
- Ensemble you direct
- School Zone
- School County
- School District
- High School Name